LCO Podcast

Episode #01 - The Pilot (Insert Coins)

“Reality is broken. Game designers can fix it.”
- Jane McGonigal

June 2, 2017 71 minutes Download (MP3)

“Reality is broken. Game designers can fix it.”
― Jane McGonigal

And with that, we dive right in. Welcome to the first episode in what will be many an analytical discussion about what it is about Video Games that drives people to obsess over them. Why men and women agonize over 100% completion, platinum trophies, and New Game+. Three friends join heads to dissect the reasons we love these games, whether it’s the characters, the story, the game itself, or the camaraderie that comes with sitting on the couch next to your best friends as you utterly decimate them one after the other in Smash Brothers (no items.) In our inaugural Pilot Episode the Party Members introduce who we are as gamers, our history in the culture, and how it is that we are so emotionally connected to the games we play. So strap in, it’s full speed ahead, as your very own Podcast Adventure is about to begin!